Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Mate in 2

White to play and mate in 2 moves

I came across this puzzle recently. This is the first mate in 2 puzzle I couldn't solve in quite a long time. The solution actually made me laugh. I thought it was worth posting. Have fun solving!


Anonymous said...

The answer wouldn't be 1.Re4 Kxf3 2.0-0#, would it?

(The chuckle bit gave it away!)


Chris Irwin said...

I wondered if that comment made it too easy. I guess I was right.

Wayne said...

What was Black's last move?

So what was White's last move?

So can White castle?

Are we sure about that pawn on f3. Without it, the puzzle works. With it, it does not.

Chris Irwin said...

Yes the pawn should not be there. Thanks