Saturday, October 20, 2007


Tony Nichols, Mike Sobocisnki, Jacob Fortuna and I played another quad on September 21. Tony won all of his games, and each of the rest of us ended up with 1 point. You can view the games here. I am especially proud of the game I had against Mike Sobocinski, making him the highest rated player I have ever beaten.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad it made your day... I deserved to lose since I made a severe blunder early on. The rest was just an effort to complicate things to try to get you to overlook/forget the blunder. You did a very good job following through in a logical and systematic way. It was a good lesson for me to help shake off numerous years of rust now that I've finally obtained a membership again.

By the way... the rating doesn't really matter. The openings we play against each other have been giving you a much better record against me than the ratings would predict. That will likely remain the case until I can find the time to review (and add to) the theory that I used to know when I was an active player...